August 8, 2010

Rainy days

The rain is back in Seattle!!!!!!!!!
Here's the deal: I hate those days when it's so rainy you can't do anything. But I love overcast days, light rain, breezes, and just anything that reminds me of FALL! So once summer turns to fall, I get freaking excited. And even this weekend's mini glimpse of fall weather is totally my thing.
So here's me and my featured model Lara looking quite adorable in the rain:

I don't know all the details of her outfit, but the shirt she's wearing underneath her raincoat is Converse (check out their button ups at Target... $25, endless color choices, SO COMFY AND FLATTERING!!!!), and the raincoat itself is Arden B... and a hand me down from MY closet (Lara's skinny. I used to be that skinny. She gets me pre weight gain cast offs). Originally found at my favorite secondhand store, Buffalo Exchange (check their website to find one near you), for probably around 20 bucks. Doesn't she look adorable?

And my lovely outfit (Thank you, Lara, for being my photographer for the day):

Scarf: Sovereign Code, from Macy's, around $30 (purchased last year, but they generally have a great scarf selection)
Shirt: H&M, around $10 bucks (I purchased it in Dublin for 7 Euro, so that's a REALLY rough guess)
Hoodie: Tripp, secondhand for about $15 (also Buffalo Exchange... I'll need some closeups on this one later, because it's VERY lovely... it has lace trim around the hood, and ribbon lace-up on the back... I love it)
Jeans: Jolt, the usual
Boots: Born (pardon the lack of correct symbol), featured previously
Bag: Converse, Target, $25 (will also be featured in close ups in the near future... it's the daily replacement bag for my DKNY from last post)


  1. Such typical Seattle weather... ahh, I miss cool days!

  2. Haha yeah I don't entirely miss the super humid Asian weather... and I've heard China is waaaay worse for that than Japan, so I'm sorry
