January 2, 2012

And with the new year, maybe more pants? Who knows

Well, mostly pantsless 2011 was a personal success but a blogging failure. I definitely spent more than 50% of the year going pantsless, and I'm happy I did it. While I have no specific goals for 2012 regarding a ratio of pants to non pants, I do have to say that my year of mostly pantsless living made me a lot more comfortable wearing skirts and dresses in situations I once would have always opted for pants in. Like work... it's not such a big deal to work in skirts... sometimes it's even easier!

Incidentally, today did end up being pantsless anyway, and I actually really love today's outfit:

Featuring my ever so often worn Kensie dress, a brand new Converse cardigan, those snazzy boots I've been showing off all winter, and the lovely glass necklace my mother got me for Christmas:

A close up of the boots, because they're awesome:

And a close up of the necklace, since it's really ever so pretty (I'm also really impressed with my eyes in this photo... usually, I have to edit red eye out of every photo so my eyes just look dull and their real color doesn't get captured at all. I'm really fond of my eye color though, so I was incredibly pleased that this picture actually... worked):

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