September 15, 2010

A quick gripe

So Glamour tells me big, unplucked, and even filled in eyebrows are in this fall... SAY WHAT?
For years, magazines have been telling me the natural look is so "yuck", and that I should be plucking or waxing my eyebrows. Now, they're all the rage, and I should apparently make them look even hairier with the use of an eyebrow pencil.

Now, for the record, I have never once plucked or waxed my eyebrows. They're 100% how they grew in themselves. I make sure they're not all over the place and looking wonky, but I've never ONCE touched them with tweezers or wax. And the great fashion experts of the world have always claimed this is wrong. Now, it's "in"?
Wow... who knew it could be in to not have swollen, painful eyebrows?
Oh... that's right... me... for the full 8 years I've been into fashion. Go figure.

(That said, I'm a huge fan of Glamour...)

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