September 3, 2011

Mostly pantsless 2011 AND song challenge day 3: Blame it on the Girls

This is a song I've been hoping to do since I came up with this idea last December. In fact, now that I've fulfilled it, I may quit the song challenge and just go back to Mostly Pantsless 2011, because I'll be honest: I'm getting a little bored of the song thing already. (Short attention span, anyone?)

So, as can be seen in the video, (here is the link again) the theme of the outfits is inspired by that one musical that I always forget the name of (yeah, that was impressive knowledge right there)... most importantly, there is a feminine side, and a more masculine side. I felt I could capture this best by building two different outfits around the same general idea. One super, super feminine, the other with a more "masculine" twist. Furthermore, there is an interview with Mika that can be found somewhere in the depths of Youtube explaining the concept behind the song... the rich businessman who thinks he has all these problems, and wants to blame everyone but himself, primarily all the people who would use their wily and evil ways to distract him (yes, including boys... one of the lines in the song is in fact "blame it on the boys who keep hitting on you")... so even the more masculine outfit needed to still be super feminine.

So, the similarities are the shirt (I love this shirt to death, I really do. It's so comfy, so versatile, I feel so skinny in it no matter what, and even being plain and versatile, it's probably the most girly shirt I've ever owned in my life), the accessories, and the style of shoes (though I did make a point of changing the actual shoes)

So, the incredibly feminine outfit:

And the more masculine outfit:

Just in case I do try again tomorrow, the song will be:
Chain Gang of Love, by The Raveonettes

Mostly pantsless 2011 AND song challenge day 2: Silhouette Serenade

Oops, I'm a day late!
Not to worry, I DID get everything done yesterday, I just... absolutely failed at having time to get onto the computer.
In this case, I decided the key word was "silhouette"... I wanted to create an outfit with a good one... furthermore, I felt delicate and feminine was key.

Song for day 3 (aka today!):
Blame it on the Girls, by Mika

September 1, 2011

Mostly pantsless 2011 AND song challenge day 1: Evidence

I really had no clue where to go with this song, but somehow, I came up with a weird idea to do something that seemed simultaneously sexy, and like something a little girl would wear to a birthday party. Not lolita... dear god no. More like "innocence that is more or less a lie"... the song strikes me as one in which someone goes to great lengths to attain someone that seems wonderful, only to have the wonderful person destroy everything and try to pretend nothing is wrong. That is where I ended up going, outfit wise:

Tomorrow, I will be attempting an outfit inspired by:

Silhouette Serenade, by Vendetta Red

Mostly pantsless 2011: the best shot to come out of my attempted "pin-up girl photoshot"

One day, I'll do a photo shoot for real. In the meantime, this is what my hair looks like right after being dyed, and this is the outfit to go with it:

Going for the music challenge again...

I'll just be sticking with the general playlist I've been hooked on this year.
Besides, September is the best month to do it in... it's the perfect weather for layering but still getting to wear some summery clothes, so I feel like there's a much better opportunity for creativity.

Will be starting tomorrow with an outfit inspired by:

Evidence, by Jimmy Eat World

I also have a couple of pictures from last week that I took for fun... just my usual blue and white dress, but I did re-do my hair (and it's the best dye job yet), and attempted (and probably failed miserably) at posing accordingly. I'll try to get around to putting those up tomorrow.