July 7, 2011

Mostly pantsless 2011: way too stylish for the 4th, and a break from being pantsless to show off a wonderful DIY

I've never been much of one for dressing up in a 4th of July theme, but this year, with the navy and white dress and the red belt, I couldn't resist.
Naturally, I used black accessories to give it a less "hey, I look like the flag" and more a "quaint, edgy, and feminine" feel.

I'm not sure if I've featured the shoes yet... I picked these up at the Edinburgh branch of a UK chain called New Look (yes, I do like to name drop all the cities I've been fortunate enough to go shopping in), for what I'm guessing would be equivalent toooo... just under $30? But they fit like they were made for my feet (they even came in a wide! In MY tiny size, in a cheap store in another country! I LOVE YOU, UNITED KINGDOM!), are beyond comfortable for how high and strappy they are, and for that price, I can't resist a pair this cute.

So, this is how to do "patriotic and summery" without looking like a cheesy, over the top idiot. Unless, of course, my strange tendency to flock towards lace, flowers, and other ridiculously adorable things counts as "over the top" (still, I was referring to over the top with holiday themed outfits. I'd wear this one any day of the year. I just might add layers in the winter)

Also, awesome DIY project, and a horrible picture of me... my apologies.
I'd had this brown cardigan for a couple years, and I thought it was a bit dull. It didn't need much, just a tiny little accent to make it stand out. Turned out to be the easiest thing ever. The edging, which goes all the way around the cardigan, is over an inch wide. I tacked it down at the back of the neck to make a fake color, and also to make that edging roll in easier on the sides. Then, I took a ribbon, cut it into 4 pieces, and on each side, sewed one piece on the outside, one in a matching spot on the inside. Voila, instant bow tying ability. Scrunches the edging nicely, is a good color for the sweater, and makes it feel more fun and Kathryn-esque almost instantly (I just can't do plain and simple... I'm sorry... it's not me)